Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Bahan Pidato (Ujian Praktek)

ini bahan pidato gua buat Ujian Praktik Bahasa Inggris. Waktu itu dikasih 3 tema. Yang pertama world of working, yang kedua profesi, yang ketiga daily activity. Gua tertarik ngambil tema yang kedua. Awalnya gua mau penyanyi, tapi setelah gua pikir-pikir, gua mau yang berbeda, and finally pidato gua tentang Comic. alasannya yang pertama pasti beda dari temen-temen gua, trus gua juga suka banget sama dunia Comic. dan ini salah satu apresiasi gua terhadap dunia Stand Up Comedy khususnya di Indonesia :)

Comic / Stand Up Comedian

Here, I wanna telling you about Comic or Stand Up Comedian. Comic or stand Up Comedian is a comedian performs in front of live audience, speaking directly to them in Stand Up Comedy Show. In Stand Up Comedy the comedian usually recites a fast-paced succession of humorous stories, short jokes called “bits”, and one-liners, which constitute what is typically called a monologue, routine or act some.

Many things important comic have to do:
1.    Don’t try to by funny. I mean, let the audience laugh at the material presented, not at Comic. So they not befunny like wearing strange clothes and stuttering.
2.    Don’t tell street joke. That is Comics shouldn’t bring any general material or have ever heard of many people. So they made materials should carry himself.
3.    Don’t tell story. Comic not to be bring materials like stories that are too long. They must bring the short joke.
4.    Be serious. Comics that appears to look serious, not “cengengesan” like most comedian. That is because Stand up Comedy is a comedy high class.
5.    Relax. A Comic also be relaxed, because then they will bring the materials more easily.

Some famous Comics from USA like Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Cosby, Steve martin, and Rodney Dangerfield. And then from Indonesia like RadityaDika, PandjiPragiwaksono, Ernest Prakasa, G Pamungkas and McDany.